Diversity in a Globalized WorLD


Global Week is a collaborative initiative that links Tecnológico de Monterrey's learning unit “Diversity in a Globalized World” with York University´s course "The International Refugee Protection Regime I: Critical Problems", and Universidad San Francisco de Quito "Global Conflict Management", promoting virtual learning activities in multicultural environments.

Global Week provides you with an opportunity to engage in a unique set of learning activities allowing virtual cultural exchange. By being exposed to different cultural perspectives you will broaden your understanding of the local and global challenges our generation faces.

Global Week will be a fast journey of discovery and exploration, you will connect with students and professors from different cultures to share ideas, and discuss new ways to put societies on a better path.

We currently live in a multicultural society, so it is common to find ourselves living in a global community where we can identify various cultural groups, but do we recognize and understand the differences between our cultures? Do we get involved and interact with others?

If you are ready to start, consult the rest of the sections of this site navigating in the course menu on the left side of your screen.

Make the most of your Global Week!