TEC Student Data Privacy Alliance

Fast-track your district's ability to acquire signed student data privacy agreements for all of your apps.

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The Education Cooperative Student Data Privacy Alliance (SDPA) has been instrumental in helping our district take meaningful action in its effort to ensure the security and privacy of student data in an era where online resources have become indispensable. The TEC SDPA has solved two of the most pressing challenges related to this important topic. First, TEC has provided the legal and administrative support that individual districts typically lack. Second, the collective influence of member districts, combined with favorable vendor contract language, has resulted in over 200 signed agreements, with more being signed every day. Working independently, our district simply does not have the capacity to achieve such results. Prior to joining the TEC SDPA, student data privacy was a daunting task. Today, we have made significant progress towards our goal of achieving 100% compliance with state and federal privacy regulations.

Steve Ouellette

Director of Technology, Learning, and InnovationWestwood Public Schools, Massachusetts