W.I.N. (What I Need)


In 2020, Teaneck Public Schools adopted a new learning model during the health related school closure and virtual instruction model: “What I Need” (W.I.N.) 

In 2022, Thomas Jefferson readopted this model for students in grades 6 through 8 to meet specific student learning needs and to become more active participants in their own learning process. 

This learning model follows the New Jersey Tiered Systems of Support (NJTSS).

NJTSS is a framework of supports and interventions to improve student achievement, based on the core components of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support and the three tier prevention logic of Response to Intervention (RTI).  With a foundation of strong district and school leadership, a positive school culture and climate and family and community engagement, NJTSS builds on Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS) and gives schools structure to meet the academic, behavioral, health, enrichment, and social/emotional needs of all students. 

During our W.I.N. Period, students fall into three tiers.

Tier 1 - Universal Supports & Enrichment - These students either receive reinforcement from the classroom teacher or enrichment from an Enrichment teacher during their W.I.N. Period because they are either meeting or exceeding grade-level expectations in certain skill areas.

Tier 2 - Targeted, Small Group Interventions - These students receive support from either an Interventionist or Classroom Teacher during their W.I.N. Period. These students usually need a little more support in a certain skill to ensure they reach grade-level benchmarks by the end of the school year.

Tier 3 - Intensive Interventions - These students receive support from either an Interventionist or Special Education Teacher during their W.I.N. Period. These students need more support in one or more skills areas to ensure they reach grade-level benchmarks by the end of the school year.

Skills Based

W.I.N. Period groups are focused on three levels: Approaching, Meeting, and Exceeding.


Students are able to request support from their instructors to receive extra help, ask for lessons to be retaught, conference and receive feedback on assignments. Students are encouraged to utilize the time to work independently or with other students, read, complete assignments/projects, practice vocabulary or math skills on software or workbooks. We also want our students to learn how to monitor their own progress and review their grades in Skyward and behavior logs. Additionally, we have opportunities for students to reflect and participate in character development exercises using activities provided by our counseling department.