Sarah Piercey | 7th Grade, Wyandot Middle School

The Choice to Step In

Statement of Purpose:

My project is about making the choice to step in and help people in need even if it doesn’t affect you. Plenty of unnecessary violence across the world could have been prevented if more people had stood up to try and stop it, even if it meant putting themselves at risk. Below the main figure there are two paths: the path where they step in and the path where they ignore the problem because it has nothing to do with them. In the first path, one person stands up for the other person being hurt, and, by doing so, she also encourages others to stand up, too, eventually stopping the violence. In the second path, she chooses to ignore what’s happening because it isn’t her problem, and the person gets hurt more, and eventually, more and more people get hurt until there’s no one left to stand up.