
What you will learn in this lesson

1. Cybersecurity and Scams

2. Spotting Scams

3. Shopping safely online

4. Reporting cyber crimes and scams

It’s 4pm on a Saturday. Angela is browsing the Internet when a message came in on her Whatsapp. 

What is your first impression of the message? Would you sign up for the promotion above? 

Spotting Scams

Scams are  actions that can be used to cheat someone out of money or personal information. It can happen through different ways, including online dating apps, email, social media sites, phone calls, text messages and more. 

Let’s meet some typical scammers : 

Image credit: Canva

Financial Scammer

Image credit: Canva

Romance Scammer

Image credit: Canva

Identity or medical information thief

Image credit: Canva 

Tech Support Scam

What do scammers want?

Did you know?

A scammer  who creates a fake account or identity to trick people into believing that they are talking to a real person is known as Catfishing.

Watch this Video!

Shopping Safely Online

You can also be scammed  when you purchase items online, especially if it needs to be shipped. 

Angela’s parents are going to celebrate their anniversary in a month and they have  always wished to own the same phones. They've asked Angela to help them survey and buy a pair of new handphones online because they’re not tech savvy. 

Help Angela examine the following deals to see if it’s okay to make a purchase. Click anywhere on the cards to see the deals.

Which deal do you think Angela should choose? Share your thoughts in the Padlet below. 

After you have shared your thoughts, upvote the posts from your friends that you agree with.

Reporting Cybercrimes and Scams

Always keep an eye out for warning signs that indicate a scam, which can be:

Image credit: Canva

Keep in mind that if you are a victim of a cyber crime, the first thing you should do is inform an adult! 

If you experience a scam, it is advisable to: 

If your computer has a virus,

You can fight fraud by protecting your device by following the recommended steps below:

Image credit: mcmc.gov.my

In Malaysia, you can also report scams and other cybercrimes to the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC). 

Find out here how to complain to MCMC and the other agencies that you can report fraud, identity theft and hacking to. 

Make sure to talk to an adult first before purchasing or downloading any software!

How to report scams?

If you encounter scammers or suspicious activity in social media, you can report their account for review by following these steps,

As previously mentioned, do tell an adult first! You can share with them some of the steps below.

If you are using any other apps  and wish to report scams, you can Google search on “How to report scams on [App Name]” and follow through with the steps provided! 

Angela almost falls victim to a scam. 

Thus, she blogs about her experience so that her friends are more careful.

What do you think Angela should include in her blog to help her friends recognise scammers and what to do if they've been scammed?

Thank you for your help! 

Angela now knows how to protect herself from scams.