Before you begin with the lessons, answer the survey below so that we can understand you better.

Among the things you will learn here:

Lesson 1: Learning what is the Internet

Lesson 2: Learning how to be aware of your digital footprint and protect it

Lesson 3: Learning how to be a critical thinker. 

Lesson 4: Learning how to protect against scams.

Lesson 5: Learning how to maintain your digital well-being.

Lesson 6: Learning to be a good digital citizen

What to expect in every lesson?

Lesson Notes

Every Lesson comes with basic lesson notes that show how each particular lesson is going and how much you have understood it

Interactive Activities

Interactive activities come in different forms to enhance your learning. You will come across games, quizzes, padlet discussion and many more. We highly encourage you do it all. 


You should expect to receive a quiz in every lesson. Your quiz shouldn't be challenging if you stay focus and take time to read each and every lesson.

Before we start, let's see if you're ready!

Be organized!

By being organized, you will save time looking for things and will have more time to work on the tasks.

Prepare mentally and physically!

Mental readiness is important! Don't rush. Get yourself to focus, read the instructions, reflect on the journey and take a break if you need to. 

Are you ready? Let's get started!

Let's continue our adventure together! The 6 lessons will help you to become a better digital user.