Student Leadership & Outcomes

Resources and tools for choosing, defining, and measuring vision-aligned student leadership outcomes (Proficiencies, Agency, Dispositions, and Awareness)

Choosing and Defining Student Leadership Outcomes

This situation has further strengthened our commitment to growing a broad set of student leadership outcomes (Proficiencies, Awareness, Dispositions and Agency). These resources provide guidance on choosing broad student outcomes and contribute to understanding of the enabling conditions that best support them.

Core Insights: A Broad Set of Student Leadership Outcomes

This resource offers a quick overview of what we are learning about student outcomes from transformational classrooms.

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How To Guide: Student Leadership Outcomes

This resource is useful for anyone hoping to develop more than narrowly defined academic skills.

Student Outcomes Toolkit

This toolkit is a curated set of practical resources that partner staff across the organization can adapt to support the implementation of a broad set of student leadership outcomes. Note: This is draft resource, and we welcome feedback!

Measuring and Tracking Progress of Student Leadership Outcomes

These resources share specific actions for tracking and measuring mechanisms for broad student leadership outcomes. We hope to expand this section with additional examples as we learn with and from partners across the global network.

Data & Measurement for Broader Student Outcomes Course

This self-paced course is for any Head of Training, Senior Program Manager, Monitoring and Evaluation coordinator or teacher coach interested in tracking meaningful progress on a broad set of student outcomes, including and beyond academic achievement.

Developing an Assessment Framework

This resource provides an overview of assessment frameworks and guidelines for developing them. It also provides a suggested structure and links to existing assessment frameworks for guidance. [Requires login to Portal]

Additional Resource

Coming soon! Tell us if you have innovations or other resources to share.

Student Leadership

Even in the face of uncertainty, we continue to recognize students as potential leaders of a better future for all of us. This section will grow as we capture additional resources and highlight experiences that strengthen our understanding of student leadership in light of COVID-19.

Learning Loop Insights: Student Leadership

This resource summarizes network insights from a recent global learning loop that explored our understanding of students as agents of change and authentic partnerships among students and educators.

Student Leadership Course Curriculum

This document shares the learning materials, activities, and course structure from the first in a series of Global Learning Lab Learning Loops focused on student leadership.

Making Student Leadership Tangible Course Curriculum

This document shares the learning materials, activities, and course structure from the second in a series of Global Learning Lab Learning Loops focused on student leadership.

Student Leadership and Outcomes Resource List

This list shares a compilation of videos, articles, frameworks, program examples, rubrics, and more on student leadership, social emotional learning, and adult-student partnerships.

Partners and Organisations Working On Student Leadership and Outcomes

A list of organizations and initiatives from across the globe pursuing student leadership and outcomes work.

Videos about Student Leadership to Provoke Virtual Collective Learning

Supporting Students in Trauma and Adversity

As we think about how to support participants and students during and beyond this global disruption, we need to recognize and respond to the traumatic stress students have experienced. In this section, we will share resources exploring the possible implications for teaching and learning through the lens of trauma-informed practice.

Educating Children Facing Adversity

This resource explores what we can we learn from some exceptional educators—and each other—about what it takes to support students facing adversity.

Additional Resource

Coming soon! Tell us if you have innovations or other resources to share.

Additional Resource

Coming soon! Tell us if you have innovations or other resources to share.

We would love to learn from you! If you have a related resource or example of how you are thinking about virtual learning in your context, please consider sharing with us.

Global Learning Lab Resources

Find more resources (including more videos and practical tools that may be useful for virtual learning with fellows) on our website.

Teach For All's Partner Learning Portal COVID-19 Resources

A resource hub to share examples of how our global network has responded to the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. Note: Only open to Staff of Teach For All network partner organizations.