Social Studies Resources

Social Studies and Current Events resources.

Actively Learn is a digital curriculum platform for grades 6-12 ELA, SS, and Science. Our catalog includes over 3,000 texts, videos, and simulations that include embedded questions, scaffolding notes, and multimedia to support all learners. Seamlessly integrates with Google Classroom.

Bites Media Free resource for middle and high school teachers & students! Bites Media connects credible, high standard media reporting on current events with "why it matters" to democracy and citizenship, supporting students with developing critical media literacy skills and helping tomorrow’s leaders be more informed citizens today.

C3 Teachers - C3 Teachers has published numerous Inquiries (lessons to support students’ questioning, learning, applying, analyzing, collaborating, expressing, and acting in authentic social studies experiences) based on their work on the New York State Social Studies K-12 Resource Toolkit project.

CK-12 Foundation: Each lesson has a reading passage, videos, optional review questions, and self-graded practice questions in Science, Math or Social Studies. The lessons can be assigned to Google Classroom and it puts the grade in that students got on the practice questions (students must get 10 practice questions correct to get 100%).

CommonLit - CommonLit is a nonprofit education technology organization dedicated to ensuring that all students, especially students in Title I schools, graduate with the reading, writing, communication, and problem-solving skills they need to be successful in college and beyond.

Discovery Education - Visit the Discovery Education page on this site for tutorials. ALL WL students and teachers now have accounts AND you can easily assign content in your GC Classroom.

iCivics: A ton of free, easy-to-use games and lesson plans that help teach civic learning (and many more SS topics). They will keep students engaged in a remote classroom. Andrea Abraham suggests this

iWitness - Connects students with the past. Engages them in the present. Motivates them to build a better future. iWitness provides an online platform for managing classrooms, assigning learning activities, and monitoring student progress. Teachers can set up online classrooms and students work through lessons using testimony.

Newsela Access thousands of compelling, leveled reading materials to support instruction and drive literacy skills, no matter what subject you’re teaching. Visit the Newsela page on this site for resources from the 9/25/2020 training session

Population Education creates classroom activities for K-12 students that focus on human population change and related issues including natural resource use, environmental sustainability, equity, well-being, and more.

Bill of Rights Institute

48 youtube videos about US History

Read Like a Historian

C-Span Classroom - Free video based current event curriculum