"Music in Motion"

Roosevelt Music Mrs. Kristin Feick kfeick@kusd.edu

Welcome to Roosevelt Music!

Information on Grade-Level Concerts, 4/5 Choir, Recorders and much, much more!

Grading in the Music Classroom...

Per our district, the following standards of learning are how we establish growth in the elementary music classroom:

4- Distinguished: The learner demonstrates in-depth applications that go beyond what was explicitly taught.

3- Proficient: The learner independently demonstrates explicitly taught knowledge and skills.

2- Basic:The learner demonstrates explicitly taught knowledge and skills with support.

1 -Below Basic: The learner is unable to demonstrate explicitly taught knowledge and skills.

***Recorders will be put on hold until the second semester.***

4/5 Grade Choir

***Fourth and Fifth Grade Choir will be put on hold until further notice due to the pandemic. Check back for further updates as the school year progesses.***

Roosevelt Music Wish List

*Hand Sanitizer

*Glue Sticks

*No. 2 Pencils


*Sharpie Markers


*Sandwich/Quart Size Baggies

**All items can be brought to the main office.**

Elementary General Music Google Calendar

  • Check the KUSD Elementary General Music Google Calendar for updates!