Finding Current Events

Argh! Where do I start?

Find the Library Media - Online Databases in your Classlink Launchpad.

Open the link.  On the Home Page you will see directions and a menu on a blue bar to the left. 


Select GALE from the menu on the blue bar; it is third from the top. 

The POWER SEARCH database is all things; so it's a lot of information.  Best to start with HIGH SCHOOL which limits itself to our high school topics by curriculum standards.  

GALE in Context has an SEARCH box at the top if you know your preferred topic from the beginning.  (ex. endocrinology)

GALE also has a listing of COMMON TOPICS popular in high school courses to guide students in selecting a topic.  (ex. Geography)  

Within the common topics, students can select a SUBTOPIC for a more detailed look into a subject.   

At any time, GALE allows a student to name a topic for research.  This means if the teacher talks to them and a topic is agreed upon there is no need to start over.  They can just type the topic in the SEARCH bar and continue. 

A DETAIL PAGE will start with a summary of the topic selected at the top of the page.  Scrolling down will reveal the diverse sources available for your current events.  They can include: images, audio, magazines, newspapers, websites, essays, primary sources and academic journals.  

Individual SOURCE categories will be further down the page with samples provided.  Each sample will detail publication, author, word count and lexile level.  

Students can also FILTER for a variety of conditions.  They can include: Publication Date, Subject, Document Type, Lexile Measure, Content Level and Publication Title.  To reach the FILTER options, students would first select a SOURCE category such as magazines.  

Lexile is the reading comprehension level of the reader.   GALE uses pips on colored dice to differentiate the levels.  To specify, students use the CONTENT LEVEL filter. 

1= up to 500L

2= 501L - 850L

3= 851L - 1100L

4= 1101L - 1300L

5= 1301L and up

Upon selecting an ARTICLE, the student is taken to it's viewing page.  Title at the top and the specifics of the article are just underneath.  

From the ARTICLE page, students can select choices from a host of icons.

TRANSLATE changes the article into dozens of languages.  Each translation is done by a human to enhance accuracy and scope of the language. 

FONT tools include FONT SIZE and CHANGE FONT.  


OUTPUT  tools offer saving to GOOGLE DRIVE or ONE DRIVE.  You can choose to EMAIL, DOWNLOAD an article or PRINT an article for class.  Having signed in with Classlink Apps, no further log ins are needed to access drives for storage. 

At the top of the ARTICLE page, students can open research skills and tools.  

CITE lists web tools for building a works cited page.  Citations can be crafted in the most popular formats using tabs.  All can be saved to your drive or favorite bibliography app. 

Tools for collaboration are included.  Students can select to SEND an email to partners,   DOWNLOAD a copy for sharing,  PRINT a hard copy or  use GET LINK for a perma-link to use always. 

HIGHLIGHTs AND NOTES allows digital review marks and notes.  Students select text to open tool to highlight important passages or leave a note.  Tool selection then keeps track of all added content.