Copyright Issues

Copyright Basics for Projects

What is copyright?  The US Copyright Office defines it as a form of protection provided by the laws of the United States to 'original works of authorship.' 

Rights of the owner?  To reproduce, distribute, adapt, publicly perform and display the original work.  

What is fair use?  The ability to use a work without express permission from the owner. Ask yourself : purpose and character of my portion, nature of copyrighted work, amount/substance of your portion, effect of your use on market of original. 

What is public domain?  A work not copyrighted thus free to use.   Three types exist:  those not eligible for copyright, works given to public domain, and works with expired copyright (before 1923 or 70 years after death).

What is protected by trademark and patent?  Trademarks protect against others using the same design, or producing other services under the same name.  A trademark won't expire. Patents grant rights to the inventor in order to protect an idea.  

What is the difference between plagiarism and copyright infringement? Plagiarism is neglecting to cite a work, or doing it incorrectly.  Copyright infringement is use of a person's work without permission or compensation. 

*Try this great information from the US Copyright Office or check out the US Patent and Trademark Office

Citations for Sources

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