Career Pathway

Choosing a Career Path

USA Find A Job

Go Abroad

The Muse

Monster Board 

Career Builder

Look sharp and you'll see many tips on resumes, cover letters, thank you notes and other job correspondence at the above sites.  

Is a career different than a job? How can I decide what I'm interested in pursuing?  What problem do I want to solve? Start by thinking about what you like to do and then match that to careers needing those skills.  

I recommend the Go Center for higher education aspirations.  However, for fun: 

The US News and Indeed released their rankings for all careers.  You can search based upon career ranking or best paying or even work from home

In fact, a lot of media outlets spend time and money advertising career ranking systems each year.  Are those rankings accurate? Do they rely on characteristics that you consider important?  Just what does it mean to you?

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