The Mission of JROTC is to "motivate young people to be better citizens." Participating in JROTC and completing the assigned material in this course will require discipline and hard work, but its rewards re well worth the effort. Through Army JROTC, they are building a foundation that will last a lifetime. Your students are among a special group of high school students headed for success. Their participation as a cadet in this program shows their willingness to make the most of your high school education. Whatever their reasons are for taking the course, every member of the Army JROTC is unique and brings a different cultural dimension to the program. I am very proud that you have elected to have your child a part of the team.

Emerging Leaders!

1SG (Ret.) Atkinson, Judith

First Sergeant Atkinson is one of the Army Instructor (AI) at Green B. Trimble Tech H.S. I recently joined the Bulldog team in March, 2020. I also coach the Male Color Guard Team and Armed Drill Team. I retired from the Army after 25 years of active duty service. I love to give back to the community and i'm excited to be a part of the team. My primary focus is Leadership, Ownership, Follow-ship, Mentor-ship, and Stewardship.

Bulldog Fever Catch It!

Contact Info

📧 judith.atkinson@fwisd.org



📞 817-815-2545


Welcome to the Bulldog team! This week we'll be familiarizing students with our Google site and Google classroom. I want to ensure that students and parents are familiar and comfortable with navigating the sites.

All coursework is posted in Google Classroom. Please join the Classroom by using the codes sent to parents' phone numbers via text during the first week of school, or email to request the code be sent to you.

JROTC Bulldog Facebook


To create an environment devoted to the cadet personal growth, both as a student and leader that will enable them to become a better citizen.


The mission of Green B. Trimble Technical High School JROTC Program is to produce responsible citizens and creative, complex thinkers by encouraging each cadet to participate in numerous JROTC actives that are to educate the whole child and help him/her meet life's challenges

UNIT 1_Text.pdf


UNIT 1_Cadet Notebook.pdf