Child Find

Child Find

(817) 814-7582

Child Find Process

The Fort Worth Independent School District (FWISD) seeks to identify, locate and evaluate all students  suspected of having a disability who may be eligible for special education services. This includes students attending private schools located within the FWISD attendance zone regardless of where they live. Additionally, it includes homeschooled students that live within the attendance zone. Special education services for eligible students are individually designed to meet the student’s needs at no cost to families.

child find flyer.pdf
Child Find Process

1. FWISD will contact the parent to schedule a referral meeting.

2. Referral meeting will take place; notice of evaluation will be provided and signed consent will be obtained.

3. An evaluation is conducted by a multidisciplinary team who can bring different perspectives and expertise to the assessment. Some examples of team members include:

· Educational Diagnostician and/or School Psychologist: These professionals are qualified to conduct all types of educational assessments including intelligence (IQ), achievement, behavior, etc.

· Special Educators: These individuals are qualified to conduct some types of achievement and behavior evaluations as well as informal observations.

· Parent(s) or Legal Guardian(s): The parents or legal guardians provide valuable insight into the student’s behavior and personality in other environments.

· Related Service Providers (Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Audiologist, Orientation and Mobility Specialist, etc.): These specialists provide information pertaining to specific areas of concern.

· Medical Doctors (including psychiatrists, ophthalmologists, and optometrists): Depending on the disability of the student, medical records can also be used in the determination of eligibility for special education services.

ARD meeting is held to discuss the outcomes of the evaluation(s)

· Special Education Eligibility: If parent enrolls child in FWISD, chooses to keep child at home, in private school, or in a facility; a service plan or individualized education plan is developed for instructional support.

· Child does not meet eligibility for special education services

Information for Parents:

Partners Resource Network:  Assisting Texas families of children with disabilities

PRN Brochure English (1).pdf