Alexis randolph

Alexis Randolph

Percussion Director

Contact Info


📞 817-814-8069

google classroom codes

Southwest Raider Band: udewh4b

Southwest Percussion Studio: slsrftb

My name is Ms. Randolph. This is my first year teaching at Southwest High School and Wedgwood 6th grade, however, I am an alumna of Southwest where I graduated in 2012. Prior to that, I attended Wedgwood Middle School for 7th and 8th grade. Before arriving to teach in FWISD, I was a percussion lesson teacher and paraprofessional at South Grand Prairie High School and its middle school feeders from 2013-2019. I have also held other percussion roles in schools across and outside of the DFW metroplex. 

I am a graduate of the University of Texas at Arlington where I received my Bachelor of Music with a focus in Media in 2016 and a Master’s in Music Education also from UT Arlington. My primary instrument is percussion and I will be working with the percussion sections at Southwest High School, Wedgwood 6th Grade, and Wedgwood Middle School.