
Madame Hunter

Kate Hunter


I've been teaching French at SHHS since 2009.  I love teaching my students and sharing my personal experiences living in Paris and traveling abroad!

I went to the University of Texas in Austin and got my first bachelor's degree in Fashion design with a minor in Italian.  I studied abroad in Italy one summer and that experience made me fall in love with speaking another language and traveling!

I taught English in Paris, France for one school year and decided to go back to UT and get a second degree in French!

Contact Info


Supplies needed: 

1. Pencils 

2. ½” or 1” binder 

3. 4 black dry erase markers 

4. Binder pouch 

5. Notebook paper 

Bonjour students and Parents/Guardians! 

 It is a pleasure to have you in my French class this year.  I am excited to get to know each of you.  I hope that you are ready to have fun learning French with me! Studying French means learning how to speak and write the language and to understand it when you hear it and read it.  Learning another language will help you better understand your own.  It also means learning about the cultures and countries of the peoples who use this language.  Learning about how people in other countries live will help you understand more about your own life here. 

Parents, I appreciate the opportunity to teach your student French.  I have high expectations for your child and will do what I can to help your child achieve them.  Foreign Language can be a difficult subject to learn and like any new skill, it takes much practice and effort in order to acquire it.  Most of our work is done on a daily basis.  It is very important that students come to class on time and that they miss as little instructions as possible.  Listening to authentic French is vital for learning the language, and any help you can give your child in watching movies in French would be greatly appreciated.  Please feel free to contact me to discuss your student’s performance, or to let me know when family or outside events may affect attendance or work. Looking forward to a great year! 

Kate Hunter