Mrs. Jackson
This is my 25th year in education, and my 6th year at ALA. My teaching philosophy has been influenced greatly by Maria Montessori and the tenets of Applied Learning. I have taught math, reading, English, social studies, and science in both special education and general education settings. My recent passions have been teaching myself how to make quilts and renovating vintage travel trailers.
What I do: My job as inclusion support teacher is to help students become self-advocates in their learning. I assist teachers with small group lessons and different lesson deliveries to students with an Individualized Education Plan.
Phone: 817-815-5500 (ALA office) 817-815-5563 (classroom) 817-905-3268 (cell phone)
Office Hours: 3:00-3:45 Monday through Friday
Office Hours Google Meet NickName: MeetWithMrsJ