Chiquitines de Mrs. Aguayo

Rocío Aguayo

Soy maestra de Pre-kínder en la escuela M.G. Ellis; estudie en la universidad Texas Wesleyan. Estoy casada y tengo 3 bendiciones. Me encanta pasar tiempo con mi familia, jugar con mis mascotas, escuchar música, leer, montar a caballo y el pozole. 😍



📞 817-523-9657


closing flyer with map.pdf
Aguayo Weekly Lesson Home Page

Metas de aprendizaje

In this unit, students will learn about the ocean and the creatures that rely on it. Literacy- Students will recognize and blend spoken phonemes into one syllable words; use finger to track print when reading and writing simple or familiar text; recognizes and produces at least 20 distinct letter-sound correspondences in the language of instruction; write in blank books; attempts to share and write complex words; includes punctuation in writing. Math- Students will use words to rote count from 1-30; identify, without counting, the number of objects from 1-5; remove objects from a set and says what is left. Science- Students will predict whether objects sink or float; compare differences and similarities of animals; discuss green practices related to the ocean; measure water and sand using non-standard units. Social Studies- Students will discuss the roles and responsibilities of community helpers such as marine biologist and oceanographers.

Lesson Plans

Aguayo-June 7-11-Week 2 of 2-Ocean.docx