Google Class code: vtqz3zj

Meet link:

Mrs. Hernandez

2020-2021 Meet the Teacher

Mrs. Hernandez

Datos de contacto virtual/Contact Info


Código de Google Classroom: vtqz3zj

📞 817-815-4900

Horario de oficina virtual/ Virtual Office Hours

lunes - viernes 1:00-3:00

Monday - Friday 1:00-3:00


Reglas para una reunion virtual

Lesson Plans

N. Hernandez wk #9 11-2 (1).docx

All coursework is posted in Google Classroom. Please join the Classroom by using the codes sent to parents' phone numbers via text during the first week of school, or email to request the code be sent to you.

A Week at Glance

Family Letter for all Devices_Spanish 9.14.20 (1).docx