Watch a video at home.

Students will watch a video for homework. The video will be made by Mrs. Bennett or Ms. Bostick. This will be their introduction to a new topic!

Take notes while watching the video.

Students will answer questions on a note page that was created to go with the video. There will also be questions on the notes page to check for understanding. Students will upload their notes into Google classroom. They will do this by simply taking a picture with their Chromebook or phone camera (if they have the app). This is to ensure that they can be given credit, even if the paper turns up lost somewhere between home and class.

Come to school to work with peer! (or work from home)

When students arrive in math class they will take an assessment on what they learned through their homework. If the student did not complete their homework, they will complete it in class. If the student answers the assessment correctly they will get to work with peers on group projects. If a student did not understand the lesson, they will work with the teacher before going to small groups. Flipped classroom will give students more time to work with peers and talk about what they have learned.

During virtual learning it will look the same but they will do the activities at home. I will still pair students up to work together!