My vocab list is nowhere near complete, but if you sign up to follow my class quizlet you will have access to the most relevant terms for each unit. These can be useful when studying for unit exams.
Fiveable is an AP prep website that acts as a hub for tons of teacher and student created content. You do have to create an account to access the free material, and unfortunately not everything is free on this site.
Fiveable offers...
Student led discussions.
Teacher presentations.
Cram sessions.
Writing guides.
iScore5 is a quiz app for your phone that will review each unit with you. You will need to search for it in the app store. It costs $5.00.
Updated for 2020 changes.
Includes a TWO Timed Practice Exams: 110 stimulus-based multiple choice questions, short answers, a document-based essay question, AND a long essay question!
Provides writing tips to improve essay scores.
Supported learning with answers and explanations for each question.
Perfect for a quick review or an intense study session.
Recently the National Geographic has started to develop a curriculum based around AP Human Geography. This site is filled with resources, and we will most likely do several of the lessons posted here over the course of the year.
This site includes relevant...