Pre-K Art

Hello my Smartest Artists!

I am so proud of your hard work and your beautiful masterpieces! I have enjoyed being your art teacher. Have a wonderful summer!


Ms. Rogers

P.S. There is not an assignment for this week. Continue to turn in your other assignments.

I am so proud of the work that Pk is turning in!

6/8/21 Virtual and In-Person Art Lesson

Pick one or both lessons. Your choice!

Two Week Virtual Art Lesson!


Peter Max Landscape.mp4

6/1/21 In Person Art Lesson

Pk_6/1/21 Let’s Make a Bird’s Nest
Pk_6 /1/21 Hagamos un nido de pájaro

5/24/21 In-Person Assignment

Continue Bird Nest Project

Pk_5/24/21 Let’s Make a Bird’s Nest
Pk_5 / 3/21 Hagamos un nido de pájaro

5/17/21 Virtual Art Lesson



1. Watch the Perfect Square video. This is necessary to complete the lesson.

2. MATERIALS: 1 square sheet of white paper, 1 normal sheet of white paper, materials such as scissors, hole punch, decorative scissors, paint and crayons.

3. Decide what you want to do with your square.

4. Paint or color your square.

5. Rip, cut, crease or punch your square however you like to make your collage. If necessary, rewatch the video.

6. Arrange the pieces in the image you want.

6. Glue on the second sheet of paper. Make sure to rub each piece on the back so it sticks all over.

7. Give your collage a title.

8. Take a photo and upload it below.


1. Vea el video Perfect Square. Esto es necesario para completar la lecciĂłn.

2. MATERIALES: 1 hoja cuadrada de papel blanco, 1 hoja normal de papel blanco, materiales como tijeras, perforadora, tijeras decorativas, pintura y crayones.

3. Decide qué quieres hacer con tu cuadrado.

4. Pinta o colorea tu cuadrado.

5. Rasga, corta, arruga o perfora tu cuadrado como quieras para hacer tu collage. Si es necesario, vuelva a ver el video.

6. Organice las piezas en la imagen que desee.

6. Pegue en la segunda hoja de papel. AsegĂşrese de frotar cada pieza en la espalda para que se pegue por todas partes.

7. Dale un tĂ­tulo a tu collage.

8. Tome una foto y cárguela a continuación.

5/10/21 In-Person Art Lesson

Pk_5/3/21_Flower Garden
Pk_5 / 3 / 21_Flores de primavera

5/3/21 Virtual Art Lesson

Lollipop Trees inspired by Friedensreich Hundertwasser

Pk_5/3/21_Lollipop Trees
Lollipop Trees.mp4

4/26/21 In-Person Art Lesson

Let's Make a Bird's Nest

Pk_5/3/21 Let’s Make a Bird’s Nest
Let's Make a Bird Nest.mp4
Pk.4/20/21.eng_Paper Sculpture
4/20 /21

Paper Sculpture.mp4

Virtual Art Lesson 4/20/21

Snake in the Grass

Snake in the Grass.Final.mp4
Pk_eng.3.22.21_Mittens or Socks.Symmetry.2
Pk_sp.4.312/21_Symmetrical Socks

Virtual Art Lesson 3/30/21

Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!

Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!.mp4
Pk_eng.3.22.21_Mittens or Socks.Symmetry.2
Pk_sp.3.30.21_Symmetrical Socks
Mittens or Socks_symmetry.mp4
Pk_Mittens or Socks
Pk_eng.3/8/21_Matisse Cut-Outs 2
Pk_2/8/21_Jim Dine Hearts 2
Pk_3 / 8 / 21_Matisse 2
Untitled document
The Cat In The Hat.mp4
Henri Matisse_Full video.Pk.mp4
Pk_Henri Matisse
Jim Dine Hearts.mp4
Scissor Practice.mp4