Chinese 1, 2, Pre-AP, AP

Bell Schedule 2022-2023

Qin Hu

Hello! I'm Qin Hu. Welcome to my Chinese class!! I'm so excited to share Chinese language and culture with you!!

I'm originally from China and taught English before I came to the US. I've taught Chinese for 10 years in the US, but I still learn current phrases and slang from you, my students. So, you are my teacher too.

Moving here from China 15 years ago was a big step for me, but not a big deal for you. You are living in an exciting time and your world is a big world. More than ever, learning a foreign language has become important. Because of Internet and modern air travel, places like China are no longer distant. Our cultures and people are merging all the time. You may play online games and may go to colleges with other people from other countries. Maybe your future job will involve interacting with other people, too.

Also learning a foreign language is learning a new culture. You are going to learn movies, music, food and so many other beautiful things different cultures can offer. South Hills High School is a unique place; I'm so proud to be member of the community. Let's explore together!!

Contact Info


Google voice number: ‪(682) 233-1774 (call or text)

Tutoring: Wednesdays 3:45-4:15 or by appointment in advance

Important websites

"Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." -John Wooden

"The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do."

-- Walter Bagehot