Parent Resources
I suspect my child has a reading difficulty. What are the signs of dyslexia?
My child has dyslexia. What accommodations would best support him/her in school?
What is my child learning in the dyslexia reading class?
My child's school is holding a 504 meeting. What should I do to prepare?
A referral for a dyslexia evaluation begins at the campus. If your child is not currently receiving services, begin by contacting the campus counselor.
If your child currently receives Special Education Services, contact your campus-based Diagnostician, LSSP, or Speech Therapist to request an evaluation
How do I get help for my child? View the presentation for more details
Dyslexia Handbooks for Families
Dyslexia is not an isolated difficulty with reading and spelling. The image on the left details how dyslexia can impact children.
Free Access to the Talking Book Program is available for your child
The Talking Book Program (TBP) provides free library services for Texans of any age who are blind or have a visual, physical, or reading disability. Registered TBP patrons may borrow books and magazines in digital audio, Braille, and large print.
Materials and playback machines are mailed to your door, completely free of charge—you do not have to pay for postage when you return them. Eligible Texas residents who cannot read standard print material in the usual manner can complete an application and return it by mail. TBP will call you to set up an account after the application is approved. Contact us for any questions or comments you may have.