Carrol Peak

student support Services

Carroll Peak Dragon's Nest Overview

Carroll Peak Dragon's Nest is a Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) group lead by the campus Case Manager, Rashonda Dorsey. SELs teach us to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. These skills will be taught on a individual and group basis.

Carroll Peak Dragon's Nest also provides other services such as a safe place to establish various supports, counseling referrals, and other life resources.

Please note that all information that you and/or your student shares is confidential unless we learn that someone is planning on hurting themselves, hurting someone else, and/or that your student is being harmed.

Bio and Contact Information

About Mrs. ayro

Case Manager

I am a licensed mental health social worker who chose this career because I love helping young people and families learn to cope with life’s challenges and realize their potential through empowerment. I especially enjoy working in the public-school setting, helping to make it a place where young people feel safe, nurtured, and free to grow.

Contact Info

Work Hours: 7:30 am - 4 pm

Office Hours: 7:30 am-8:30 am and 3-4 pm

School Number: 817-814-0716

Google Voice Number: 817-382-7822


Let's do this together !!

I promise pledge