Ms. Jimenez

Mrs. Evans


Class overview

Our major Goal is preparing children for academic success through intellectual,physical,emotional and social development.

Nuestro principal objetivo es preparar a los estudiantes para que tengan exito a traves el desarrollo intelectual, fisico, emocional y social.

About me

I decided to be a teacher to help children develop towards a brighter future.

Decidi ser una maestra para ayudar a los estudiantes a encaminarse hacia un futuro brillante.

I am so excited about this school year and we just want to make sure parents know two things.We'll make learning relevant and we'll make connections with them and their kids.

Me siento muy contenta en este curso escolar. Y solo quiero dejarle saber a los padres dos cosas. Una que vamos a trabajar juntos para hacer el aprendizaje relavante y la otra que vamos a tener una comunicacion con ustedes y sus hijos.


Help students and parents help themselves by making resources easily accessible.

Student sites

  • [Link]

  • [Link]

  • [Link]

Parent sites

  • [Link]

  • [Link]

  • [Link]

School forms

  • [Link]

  • [Link]

  • [Link]

Lesson Plans

Lesson Plan