About Me

¡Bienvenidos a la clase de Español! Welcome to Spanish class! I am beyond excited to be your Spanish teacher. This is my fourth year at South Hills but this will be my 7th year teaching Spanish. I was born and raised in Zacatecas, Mexico. I came to the U.S when I was 13 years old, I went to UTA and majored in Social Work with a minor in Spanish. 

I have two nieces and nephew who I adore with all my heart. I enjoy watching series, listening to music and reading. I love tacos, flan, barbecue, dulce de leche and spaghetti.

In my classes I want to provide a learning environment where my students’ diversity is welcomed, respected and recognized. I want to teach my students to appreciate the Spanish language and be able to connect with others by learning about their culture.

I am here to support you as my students throughout your learning journey. I am looking forward to meeting all of you and making this year as exciting, fun and interactive as possible.


Mrs. Aldaba, esposo, y sobrinos.