Women In STEM Club (WISC)

Women In STEM Club (WISC)

Meeting Date(s): Thursdays after school

Room number: W11

Staff Advisors: Mrs. Leila Knetsch and Mrs. Francine Cheung

Email: Leila.Knetsch@tdsb.on.ca and Francine.Cheung@tdsb.on.ca 

Social Media: IG @acci.wisc


Join Us!

Come out to our meetings on Thursdays after school in W11 and get details for our Google Classroom.  New members are always welcome, especially those students in junior grades!

We organize fun STEM activities and competitions, learn about Women in STEM, host social gatherings that allow opporunities to network and work on our networking skills, and so much more!  We encourage and foster opportunities for all members to take on leadership roles.