English as a Second Language

ESL at West Humber

The ESL Department at WHCI is proud of its rich contemporary resources and the usage of the latest technology in a classroom, of an on-going improvement of a differentiated instruction, and of a collaboration and team work with the community agencies and school support staff.

Apart from the use of the latest textbooks and technology in everyday lessons and evaluation, the ESL students at all levels have started using Google Doc ,Google Apps and Research and Inquiry process to design their projects and to connect electronically to their teacher. Students work on Projects which are meaningful to them, which are contemporary and which are linked to media and trips.

The classes are small, and teachers use differentiated strategies to reach each student's needs. There is a close collaboration with the librarian, support staff (settlement and social worker, Pathway program) and subject teachers throughout our program. The ESL students are offered opportunities to connect to Community agencies such as YMCA, Microskills and Humber College, to mention just a few.

Our ESL students are the pride of our school. They are welcomed by their peers with respect and smiling face. They are our future leaders and more often than sometimes, exemplary students and high achievers.

Our Staff:

Assistant Curriculum Leader:

Ms. Raterman

Teaching Staff: 

Ms. Karataeva