Parent Guide

and Other Resources

Kindergarten Handbook

Click here to download the Kindergarten Handbook for Roden Public School. This handbook will answer some of your questions about starting kindergarten! This  coming school year may look considerably different, and we will be sending out  more detailed information in late August when we have a sense of how the year will unfold. No matter what changes come, your child's kindergarten experience will be engaging, exciting and filled with learning!  


Book Reading Checklist for Parents

This checklist helps highlight the importance of reading to your child, and gives parents ideas about how to enrich the reading experience for their kindergarten-age children. Children learn so many of the skills they will eventually need by sharing books with a family member. Click here for the PDF  

Storyline Online

If you are looking for books this summer, here is a literacy website recommended by our Speech and Language Support Services in the TDSB. This site is filled with rich stories to listen to online. A real boon for us when we are unable to visit libraries and choose books that spark our interest. Simply click on the photo to be taken to the stories page!