TOPS on Bloor Courses
Students in the TOPS on Bloor program will take 2-4 specialized credits per year in grade 9-12. They will be in designated TOPS classes for science and mathematics in each of grades 9 and 10. Every grade 9 TOPS student entering in the fall of 2023 or later must take a minimum of 12 courses within the TOPS program (STEM courses).
Note: as part of the TDSB program review process, the required number of TOPS courses for a certificate was reduced from 20 to 12. Any student who began their TOPS program prior to September 2023 must still earn 20 TOPS/STEM credits to receive their TOPS certificate upon graduation.
Grade 9 TOPS Courses
Science 9: This course follows the curriculum for the SNC1W course material as described by the Ontario Ministry of Education. Each of the four units are enriched with a variety of investigations, labs and projects. Experiential learning will vary each year, and in recent years has included guest speakers and trips to Camp Pine Crest, the Royal Ontario Museum, and STARlab planetarium.
Math 9: This course follows the curriculum for the MTH1W course material as described by the Ontario Ministry of Education. Additionally, students enrolled in this course will receive enrichment through additional topics like set theory and problem solving games.
Technology 9: All grade 9 students will take a Technology and the skilled trades course TAS1O, which counts toward their TOPS certificate.
Grade 10 TOPS Courses
Science 10: This course follows the Ontario curriculum for the SNC2D. Each of the four units (Chemistry, Biology, Physics, and Climate Science) are enriched through inquiry-based labs, real-world applications and exposure to careers in STEM.
Math 10: Students in the grade 10 TOPS program take Grade 10 math as a cohort in semester 1, which follows Ontario curriculum. Enrichment topics are included to deepen understanding, and students are encouraged to participate in mathematics contests.
TOPS Certificate Courses
See below for a summary of STEM credits that count toward a 12-Credit Certificate upon graduation.
Required Courses (9 Credits)
Grade 9 Math
Grade 9 Science
Grade 10 Technology*
Grade 10 Math
Grade 10 Science
Grade 11 Math
Grade 11 Sciences (minimum 2) (Bio, Chem or Physics)
Grade 12 Math
Elective Courses (minimum 3 Credits)
Computer Science
Design Tech
Science (Grade 12 Bio, Chem or Physics)
Data Management
Forensic Science
Environmental Science
* (new requirement starting with Grade 9s who entered in Sept 2024)
Students may choose to take Grade 10 math in semester 1 and Grade 11 math in semester 2 if they want to be on the pathway to AP Physics C (for which Calculus is a prerequisite). Alternatively, students may choose to take Grade 11 and 12 courses in separate years at the University or College level. See more information about pathways on the Bloor CI Science Department website and Math website.
Advanced Placement is a unique offering at Bloor CI, and more information can be found on the school's website.
Bloor CI also offers SHSM (Specialist High Skills Major), which may give students in TOPS the opportunity to earn TOPS Certificate credits through STEM-based COOP placements. The following SHSMs overlap with the TOPS certificate:
Health & Wellness SHSM and Information
Communication Technology SHSM