GoTalk NOW

GoTalk NOW is a flexible, multimedia augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) tool that educators can use to create choice boards, vocabulary buttons that speak and interactive visual scenes which can incorporate pictures and videos. GoTalkNow turns an iPad into a ‘speech generating device’ for students who are non-verbal or have difficulty producing clear speech.

GoTalk NOW Page (Sample)

It can help students who may require support with:


Modelling Language in the Classroom using GoTalk NOW

For students who require additional visual support, short video clips can be added to each message button on the choice board.  Watch this short video Modelling Language using a Choice Board with Videos for a demonstration. 

View video tutorial to learn how to add videos to choie board in GoTalk NOW..

GoTalk NOW can also be used to provide visual support (pictures and/or video) for transitions.  View this short video: Supporting Transitions to see an example. 

View video tutorial to learn how to duplicate and edit a choice board to create transitions page in GoTalk NOW.

Visuals scenes allow students to touch items in a photograph (e.g. playroom) to communicate different messages.  In this short video a visual scene is demonstrated.

Creating a Choice Board in GoTalk NOW

Watch this 8 minute video How to Create a Choice Board with Photos to see a step by step demonstration of the creation of a simple customized choice board in GoTalk NOW.   

Watch this video to learn how to:

Watch this 6 minute video How to Create a Choice Board with Photos and Videos to see a step by step demonstration of the creation of a simple customized choice board with videos in GoTalk NOW.   

Watch this video to learn how to:

User Manual
