Boardmaker 7 Student Center

The Boardmaker 7 Student Center is one of 3 components of the NEW Boardmaker 7. 

For more information about Boardmaker 7 please visit our Boardmaker 7 Professional Learning website.

Boardmaker 7 Sudent Center (Sample)

Boardmaker 7 can help students who may require support with:

Which Boardmaker Student Center app do I need to use on our iPads? 

iPads with iOS 11, 12, 13 please use Boardmaker Student Center app

iPads with iOS 14 or 15 please use Boardmaker 7 Student Center app

Instructions for Installing Boardmaker Student Center app on:

Personal iPad



Overview of Boardmaker 7 in the TDSB 

TDSB BM7 Overview cc.mp4

Overview of Boardmaker 7 in the TDSB