Code of Conduct

Code of Student Conduct

The code of Student Conduct sets standards of behaviour for students and members of the school community. The Code of Conduct supports a caring, safe and inclusive school environment and creates a shared understanding of expectations of behaviour.


Our objective is to help all of our students to develop self-confidence, self-discipline and become responsible citizens. We want our students to recognize the importance of how our actions impact others and the importance of treating others with dignity. We hope to instill in all of our children the importance of being thoughtful and respectful to one another and to ourselves. 

Students are to be treated with respect and dignity. In return, they shall demonstrate respect for themselves, others, and for the responsibilities of citizenship.

Student Responsibilities 


      Students shall also:

Progressive Discipline

Progressive discipline is a whole school approach that uses a continuum of corrective and supportive interventions and consequences to support positive student behaviour. This continuum builds upon strategies that repair the harm caused in relationships that have been damaged. We encourage our students to take responsibility for their behaviour and to accept the consequences of their actions. The consequences depend on the nature/severity/frequency of the behaviour. These are some of the strategies that will be employed: 

This approach is based on the belief that people need to take responsibility for their behaviours, reflect upon the impact of their behaviour on others, and work toward repairing the harm that has come to the relationship. Restorative responses support students’ social and emotional learning and development.


Each student in a unique individual and every situation that requires disciplinary action has its own set of extenuating circumstances. All factors that may have affected that student’s behaviour will be considered. Action taken, wherever possible, will be preventative, consistent, restorative and fair.

 The standards of behaviour outlined in the St. Andrews Code of Conduct will apply to all members of the school community, including students, parents and, Board staff, permit holders volunteers and visitors:  

Standards of Behaviour 

All members of the school community are expected to:  

Electronic Devices

Cell phones and other electronic devices may not be brought to the classroom without teacher permission. Students may not use their cell phones during unstructured time such as recess. Electronics may only be used for educational purposes. We discourage students bringing personal items to school and the school is not responsible for damages that might occur to devices. 


The schools’ concerns about the use of cell phones and other handheld devices include:

Please do not text or call your child via their cell phone during the school day. If there is an emergency, please contact the school office at 416-396-6545. We will be more than happy to assist you. Should your child need to contact you, they are welcomed to come to the office to contact you.

Kindly discuss the appropriate use of technology with your child(ren). We strongly encourage that elementary students should not be using social media. 

Parent Tips:

 2. Learn about social media apps together. 

 3. Set boundaries and rules. 

 4. Encourage privacy and safety by:

 • reviewing the social media apps’ privacy and safety settings with your child 

 • using passwords with numbers, capitals and symbols and considering the use of a phrase 

 • keeping passwords private and changing your passwords often

 • avoiding the posting of personal information

 • turning off location settings and encouraging your children not to use geotags

 5. Foster digital leadership and citizenship by encouraging your child to:


 • highlight talents, skills and attributes to create a positive online brand 

 • match online profiles and interactions with values 

 • practise online etiquette 

 • support those who are experiencing cyberbullying (be an upstander). 

6. Remind your child to THINK before posting: 

        Is it True? 

        Is it Helpful?

        Is it Inspiring? 

        Is it Necessary? 

        Is it Kind? 

7. Encourage your child to reach out for support if they see negative behaviour online. 

8. Develop an online safety agreement together. 


Different Language Version:

The consequences of using cell phones in the yard or during instructional time without staff permission will include:


Academic Honesty: Cheating and Plagiarism

All students in the Toronto District School Board are expected to submit their own work for evaluation. Cheating and plagiarism will not be condoned.


Cheating is usually defined as the act of practicing deceit or breaking the rules. 

Examples include but are not limited to: Using another student’s work on a test or any other evaluation; unauthorized use of electronic media to obtain answers during an evaluation or bringing unauthorized notes or notations into an evaluation.


Plagiarism is defined as the use of close imitation of the language and thoughts of another without attribution, in order to represent them as one’s own original work (Growing Success, Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario Schools, Grade 1-2, 2010, p. 151). Examples include: copying and pasting from the internet or other electronic sites without citing the source.


A consequence for cheating and plagiarism may be a mark of zero for the assignment/test in question.


Our top priority at St. Andrews is the safety and well-being of all students. All students deserve to learn in a place where they feel safe. We want to know about incidents of bullying and other safety concerns so that we can take action and prevent further incidents from happening.

We encourage parents and students to report incidents of bullying or other school safety concerns (i.e. harassment, intimidation) as soon as it happens. Speak with a teacher or school administration to provide information about the situation. We recognize that bullying affects a student's sense of safety and security. Our school will be actively engaged in bullying awareness and prevention.


Cyberbullying is misconduct carried out over the Internet and may be subject to school discipline whether carried out at school, at home or elsewhere if it affects the school climate. Please ensure that you monitor your child’s use of their electronic devices and reinforce the importance of netiquette. It is highly recommended that elementary students refrain from using social media. Please ensure that you speak with your child about responsible internet use. Students should not be providing personal information such as their address, name, etc. 

Cyberbullying can include: 

• Sending mean and sometimes threatening emails or text messages. 

• Spreading gossip, secrets or rumours about another person that will damage that person’s reputation. 

• Breaking into an email account and sending hurtful materials to others under an assumed identity. • Creating blogs or websites that have stories, cartoons, pictures or jokes ridiculing others. 

• Creating polling websites where visitors are asked to rate individuals’ attributes in a negative manner. 

• Taking an embarrassing photo of someone with a digital camera and emailing that photo to others. • Engaging someone in instant messaging, tricking them into revealing personal information and then forwarding that information to others. 

• Using someone else’s password in order to change their profile to reflect sexual, racist and other content that may offend others. 

• Posting false or hurtful messages on online bulletin boards or in chat rooms (source prevNet)


Please discuss with your child that cyberbullying is harmful and unacceptable behaviour and that there are consequences for cyberbullying. Cyberbullying can have far reaching implications. 

If your child is experiencing cyberbullying off school grounds, ensure that you do the following:

·      Save the evidence (take a screenshot)

·      Identify the Cyber Bully

·      Immediately inform the Cyber Bully to stop.

·      Ignore the bully by leaving the online environment and/or blocking communications.

·      File a complaint with the Internet or cell phone company.

·      Contact the police.

·      If the Cyber Bully is a St. Andrews student, please also inform the administrator.