Frequently Asked Questions

School Info

Q: What time does Sprucecourt Kindergarten start and end?

A: Kindergarten starts at 8:55 a.m. and ends at 3:15 p.m.

    Students can be dropped off in the Kindergarten yard anytime between 8:45 - 8:55 a.m.

    There is no supervision before 8:45 a.m.

 Q: Does the school provide food?

 A: A nutritious snack is provided every day to all students. This starts the second week of school. Each month a calendar will be sent home detailing hot lunches that may be purchased.  Details will come at the beginning of the year. 

Students need to bring a nut-free lunch each day. Visit the Get Ready for September page for more details.

Q: Who will be my child's teacher?

A: At this time, we are still finalizing staffing. Classroom teachers will be shared with families on the first day of school.

Q: How many students will be in my child's class?

A: At this time, classroom sizes range from 15-30 students.  Classes with more than 15 students will be led by a Teacher and an Designated Early Childhood Educator (DECE).  

 Q: How will my child access the bathroom?

 A: Each classroom has its own kindergarten-sized bathroom right in the room. There is a door for privacy. Students can use the bathroom at any time. Students should be able to use the bathroom independently. Teachers and ECEs are always around to give bathroom reminders and assist students with accidents. 

 Q: Can my child bring toys from home?

 A: No, personal toys and games must be left at home. All classrooms are fully equipped with intentional learning materials and toys that enrich the Kindergarten Program.