ELECTRONIC MUSIC is a term we use to describe music made by electronic instrument or by computers.

graphic score:

A GRAPHIC SCORE is a piece of music composed using symbols or drawings to represent the sounds instead of traditional notes. Because they don't usually use exact notes, it is up to the person who performs the music to try to INTERPRET (figure out) what the composer wanted the music to sound like.They are usually very interesting to look at too. Many are considered works of art that compliment the music.


A MARCH is a piece of music with a strong marching BEAT. Marches are often written especially so that soldiers can march to them. Other marches may not be intended for marching, but they still have a strong, regular beat so that people could, if they wanted to, march to the music.


A COMPOSITION is a piece of written music. If you write a song, or any piece of music, it is called a COMPOSITION!


A COMPOSER is someone who writes music. If you can make up your own tune, or play a little rhythm on your kitchen table, you are a composer. Usually, composers WRITE DOWN or RECORD the music that they create, that way they can share their music and it can be played or listened to by others!

RHYTHM and beat:

RHYTHM is an important element of music. Rhythm is the sounds that happen in music over the beat. When you sing a song, you are singing rhythm. When you tap your feet, you are tapping to the BEAT!