Richview Club Hub

Asian Heritage Club

Thursday @ Lunch in Room 115

Google Classroom Code: spevghy

We are spreading awareness about Asian culture and heritage. Asian Heritage Club is a way to help the Asian community grow in our school. We do many activities within the club and outside of the club that could be of interest to all. Asian heritage club is a way to express everyone’s individual background and culture within the school and club. We hold an annual event during national Asian Heritage Month in May. We also have cooking workshops that can enhance Asian food and culture for students. Joining can make a great difference to our school community and the Asian community. 

Arts Council

Wednesday @ Lunch in Room 139

Google Classroom Code: lmgkx7m 

The Arts Council's sole purpose is to promote the arts, in any capacity, within and around the school. Students organize and run events like Coffee House, Illustration Contests, Dance Showcase, Fashion Show, Lunchtime Theatre, Battle of the Bands, Battle of the Buskers, and much more. Arts Council also collaborates with other groups to help promote multiculturalism, equity, and school-wide spirit. 

AV Crew

Google Classroom Code: k3hkhlt

The AV Club supports a wide range of school assemblies and events. If you enjoy working with technology and coordinating behind the scenes, this is a club for you. We do not have a formal meeting time but will meet together to inventory equipment and train incoming members. Members of the AV Crew are often expected to work in small teams under minimal supervision and troubleshoot technical problems on the fly.

Best Buddies R.C.I.-C.E.H.S.

Wednesday @ Lunch, Room 115

Google Classroom Code: t7v6kbj   

Best Buddies R.C.I. is a club with a goal to promote friendships and interactions between students with and without intellectual and developmental exceptionalities. We have been a recognized chapter of the international Best Buddies non-profit organisation for over 15 years. If you are interested in learning more about inclusion and neurodiversity this is the club for you! We are a joint-chapter (R.C.I.-C.E.H.S). Student members along with our student executive team "peer buddies" plan events with our "buddies" at C.E.H.S. Club members will also receive sensitivity and leadership training. At the core, it comes down to friendship. We welcome everyone with an interest!

Black History Every Day +

Thursday @ Lunch in Room 202

Google Classroom Code: p3vlvoc

The Black History Every Day + (BHED+) Club originated in its earliest form at RCI in 2003. At that time it was a collective of students who aspired to produce a Black Heritage Assembly in February. Nowadays, the club focuses all year round on building of community, collaboration, education and celebration through various forms of Black culture as explored in special events and leadership development opportunities for students who identify as Black as well as their friends and allies. While February continues to shine a spotlight on the many achievements and creations of our members, it is our goal to uncover the rich history of our ancestors in all areas.

The Board Game Club

Thursday @ Lunch in Room 129 and  

Hey, you! Yes, you! 

Have you ever wanted to settle Catan, join the Resistance, be the Ultimate Werewolf, collect a Ticket to Ride, or build the Castles of Carcassonne?

Well, now you can, and you can also do much much more, because Board Game Club is back!

Every Thursday at lunch, we’ll be having the Board Game Club in Room 223. 

Bring a friend or meet someone new. All students of all grades are welcome!

Chess Club

Friday @ Lunch in Room 222

Google Classroom Code: 7pi3fce

Every Friday at lunch, up to 24 students will play chess in mini-tournaments amongst ourselves. Later in the year we hope to participate in inter-school tournaments, and hopefully in-person but it may end up being virtual. 

Creative Corner

Friday @ Lunch in Room 105

Google Classroom Code: ???

The Creative Corner is Richview's creative magazine that showcases:

Debate Society

Tuesday @ Lunch in Room 105 and

Google Classroom Code: bchkfvy 

The Richview Debate society is getting ready for another year of developing arguments and crafting persuasive speeches. We are hosting in-house debating events such as mock trials and also competing in virtual debates with teams from other schools in the Pro-Con debating network. 

If you enjoy a spirited debate and want to hone your debating skills, join us! Check out our Google Classroom and Instagram account for all the details.


Wednesday @ Lunch in Room 209

Google Classroom Code: qgtexnn

DECA is a high school Business Club where students from around the Province get to compete and learn about various aspects of finance, marketing, business management, and entrepreneurship. Richview’s DECA Business Club provides enrichment for students interested in a business-related career or for those who simply enjoy a competitive business challenge. Students are required to showcase their oral and written skills by competing in realistic business situations and writing a multiple choice exam. Students gain valuable experience that can be applied to everyday scenarios both in their occupational field and in their daily lives. DECA provides an amazing opportunity for Richview students to sharpen their public speaking skills, apply and grow their ability to problem solve real life scenarios, and network with students from across Ontario.

Amazing things happen when you join DECA!!!!

Digimon Club

Tuesday & Thursday @ Lunch in Room 139

Google Classroom Code: ebxkvbn

Digimon Club is for all players interested in strategy card games, building community, and having fun. The game focuses around building up digimon to battle and defeat your opponent through skill and patience.

EcoSchools Club

Friday @ Lunch in Room 208 

BrightSpace! Come in person and Mr. Coulter will add you!

The EcoSchools Club at RCI is a dedicated group of students who strive to help the Richview community become more ecologically literate and environmentally conscious. Through our actions, we also hope to certify Richview CI as an official EcoSchool again!

Gender & Sexuality Alliance

Tuesday @ Lunch in Room 231 

Come and join our Gender Sexuality Alliance by clicking the "JOIN US" button on the home page. Allies are always welcome! We look forward to connecting and building a welcoming community here at Richview. Check the website and listen for announcements!

Check out our posts and resources and participate in creating more equitable and inclusive spaces at Richview!

You can also join the GSA Network to connect with others from across the TDSB.

Glee Club

Day and Time TBD

Glee Club information coming soon!

Investment Club

Wednesday on Late Start mornings in Room 209

Google Classroom Code: 2s3fu77

In the Investment Club, students will learn about saving and investing money. They will participate in a semester-long stock market competition and students will record and track their stocks and chart the results. At the end of the competition, students will summarize their findings, and reflect on the stocks’ performance. Students will also compare their investment decisions to saving money in a bank account. 

Library Crew

The Library Crew is a group of community-minded avid readers who help keep the library in great shape while earning volunteer hours. Crew members run the circulation desk, prep new books for circulation, shelve materials, and promote the books they love.

Mental Health & Wellness


Google Classroom Code: mw52flh   

The Richview Mental Health and Wellness Club focuses on improving the mental wellbeing of the Richview community and works to raise awareness about issues related to mental health to end stigma. We organize monthly events, a fun-filled week of activities for the whole school to promote mental health and wellness, and organize fundraisers to support our local community. New members are always welcome!

Mural Club

Tuesday after school @ 3:15 in room 139

Google Classroom Code: t52vno4    

Mural Club is a club for all painters. Students work with teachers to help them design and decorate their doors, walls, and other areas within and around the school to add beauty and aesthetics. We strive to work together as a team to help foster creative growth and exploration.

Muslim Student Association

Tuesday @ 11:50 in room 105

Google Classroom Code: roiaszj  

Information coming soon.


Music Council

Friday @ Lunch in Room 233


A group of enthusiastic music students with representatives from every grade and both strings and band.

They help run fundraising, concerts, advertising, and trips.


Richview's Interactive Cultural Education Club!

Monday @ lunch & Friday @ lunch and after school

Google Classroom Code: cez3yso 

Richview's Interactive Cultural Educational Club. This club facilitates interactive events like Digimon card game, Arts and Crafts, Anime/Manga, Noodles, and more for students to participate and enjoy. We strive to promote engagement through interaction through a cultural lens.

Riff Club

Richview's Rock Music Club

TBD and

Google Classroom Code: 

More information coming soon!

The Richview Voice

Small Business Club

Tuesdays @ Lunch in Room 209

Google Classroom Code: 4vg2avp 

Small Business Club is for student business owners or anyone who wants to start! Learn about entrepreneurship and how to start and manage your own business. The club is focused on learning from each other and networking with like-minded people. We also organize markets where members can sell their products to the school. New members are always welcome!

Students' Activity Council (SAC)

Monday @ Lunch in Room 215 

Members of the Students' Activity Council (SAC) are a diverse group of students from all grades elected to represent the community of students at Richview. 

Youth in Control

every other Tuesday @ Lunch in Room 209

Google Classroom Code: upydcwp

Youth In Control is a club that aims to promote healthy decision-making in situations where there is alcohol comsumption and substance use.