Subjects & Courses

2021 CWSH Course Selection

Bringing History into the Present at Runnymede

CGC1D Issues in Canadian Geography

CHC2D Canadian History Since WWI

CHV2O Civics & Citizenship

CGF3M Natural Forces

CLU3M Understanding Canadian Law

CLU4U Canadian & International Law

CGW4U World Issues

Geography Rocks at Runnymede!

Issues in Canadian Geography

Curious about Canada? In this course you’ll learn all about our country, from coast to coast to coast. Using maps, statistics, video and text, you’ll learn about the very foundations of Canada from the rocks under our feet to the clouds above and beyond! Students will explore the environmental, economic, and social geographic issues that relate to topics such as energy, natural resources and urban development, and consider possible approaches for making Canada a more sustainable place to live.

Canadian History Since World War 1

Come and discover what makes Canada great, and why our nation is so peaceful. Explore Canada since 1914, and our impact on the world around us. Find out what shapes our identity, and why Canada strives to be such an inclusive country. Find out how we have shaped the world though our participation in major world conflicts, events and organizations. There is much more to Canadian history than meets the eye.


Do you follow the news? Can you spot fake news? How does social media influence our opinions? Who decides which laws get made? Will you vote when you turn 18? Which level of government has the most influence on your life? Who decides if your TTC fair increases? How can you make a difference in the world? Explore your active, global and informed citizen potential!

Forces of Nature

If you are interested in natural disasters – this is the course for you. Study how geologic and human forces are behind the most dangerous threats to humankind. Explore our relationship with the environment and how our actions are hurting the very thing we need to live. Learn about why the global community is counting on this generation to take ownership of our species’ responsibility as Steward of the Earth.

Understanding Canadian Law

If you’re stopped by the police, what can you do? Do you have to take a lie detector test? What if you don’t have a lawyer? What if you can’t afford one? The grade 11 law course explores Canadian Legal issues affecting you and your community. The course culminates in a mock trial in which you act as a lawyer either defending your client or prosecuting the accused. May the best lawyer win!

Canadian and International Law

The law in Canada and throughout the world is forever changing. Crimes are committed everyday, and investigations are ongoing, but what makes justice just? Is it true that it is better to let 100 guilty men go free than to let one innocent man go to jail? Should laws that discriminate still exist? How can we change law? Come explore how laws in Canada and throughout the world are shaped and how you can make a difference.

World History since the 15th Century

This course explores some of the important developments and events in the world from the year 1450. We will explore the historical roots of contemporary issues and the role of conflict in international relationships. Through an examination of royal scandals, the absolute power of a religious institution, scientific discovery and the horrors of war, you will uncover the history of power and privilege. How can you be expected to make change for the future if you don’t understand our past?

Canadian & World Issues

World Issues challenges students to recognize inequity in the world around them. By exploring trends in globalization, population and resource use, students will be able to connect their own actions and roles within a greater global context. Students will examine the complex causes and solutions to human-created threats to the world. Topics in this course can be found in the latest news releases and range from climate change to the building of border walls and from child marriage to terrorist attacks.

HIF2O Individuals & Families

HPW3C Working with Infants and Young Children

HRT3M World Religions & Belief Traditions

HSP3U Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology & Sociology

HHS4U Families in Canada

HSE4M Equity & Social Justice

HZT4U Philosophy

Understanding our World through the Social Sciences

Individual and Family Living

This course offers a little bit of everything. We explore adolescent development, family relationships, positive mental health and the factors that influence teenagers and determine group behaviour. We look at practical skills that relate to everyday life. You will learn how to manage your time, budget your finances, how to cook at home and even how to make important decisions about your future.

World Religions & Belief Traditions

World Religions explores the world of belief and faith. This course delves into the beauty of the world’s major religions as well as many belief systems found in Canada. By examining the complexities of faith, students will see how our differences ties us all together. This course is a perfect choice for students of multicultural Toronto. Understanding others helps us to understand ourselves. No religious experience required!

Working with Infants & Young Children

Ever wonder what it will be like when you have children? Are you interested in becoming a parent or an early childhood educator? Want to learn how your siblings think and learn? In this course, we focus on what it takes to help our children to become functioning young adults. We learn about development, and students have the chance to work with children in our community to gain hands-on experience.

Families in Canada

What will be my job prospects after post-secondary? Why do I need a mentor at work? Is there such thing as love at first sight? Why do people get married? Are women better parents than men? Who can I maintain quality of life as I get older? What will my retirement be like? This course explores life’s stages from adolescence to later life from primarily a sociological point of view. Learn the trends and be prepared for life!

Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology & Sociology

Why do people take drugs? How can I be happier in life? What causes people to act aggressively? What is the #MeToo movement? How can I reduce anxiety? What part of the brain is involved in learning? What is Canadian culture? Come find out the answers! We use theories and social science research to improve our own lives.


Did you know Pythagoras was a cult leader? Ever wonder if what you were planning to do is ethical? How do we know something? Is a scientific certainty more trustworthy than your “gut” reaction? Want to win all your arguments? In Philosophy, you get to learn about and discuss concepts such as the meaning of life, and the existence of a higher being, all while questioning your own closely held ideas. Most importantly, you learn how to ensure your opinions withstand scrutiny, making you a better student.

Equity & Social Justice

Who holds power in society? What are the expressions of discrimination and prejudice in our city? Why does racism continue to exist? Are police officers in schools really a bad thing? These are just a few of the questions explored in this course. Students will learn about the theories of social justice and equity while applying these concepts to their school, their city and the world. Students will be challenged to develop a social action initiative to address an issue they consider important.