Parent Information and News at KKSA

6A - Mr. Wiens

6B - Ms. Thompson

7A -Ms Harrington

7B - Ms. Medford Williams

8A - Ms. Larcher

8B - Ms. Foster

French - Mme. Skerletovic

Special Education, Library & Visual Arts - Ms. Dunne

Welcome to Karen Kain School of the Arts

Welcome to another exciting school year at Karen Kain School of the Arts! It was wonderful to welcome back our entire community to in person school this week. It was a delight to see all our students’ faces. So many of them have grown so much since the last time I saw them. I’d also like to welcome our new families to our very special KKSA family of learners, you have joined an outstanding learning community!

All students are beginning to acclimatize to their new learning environment. The great weather is allowing for our extended use of the outdoor classroom. Students also often eat lunch outside increasing their physical activity time. The process of feeling comfortable is different for everyone and we allow students time to become familiar with the staff and students that they are working with. The strongest element of our school is that of "community" and our students are the most important part. I cannot do my job on my own and I am honoured to work with a dedicated group of staff and appreciate the support of our outstanding parents. Thank you for your partnership, together we forge the greatest future for our children.

Communication is key as we work together to support our students. Please connect with teachers directly to follow up on questions or concerns that you may have. Email is the most effective means of communication. Please recognize that staff are teaching during the course of the day they cannot respond immediately but certainly will follow up. Thank you for your understanding and partnership.

On behalf of the staff, I wish you a wonderful and successful year at the Karen Kain School of the Arts as we plan and work together to make the KKSA experience a most valuable and memorable one for you.

V.K. Oketch