CR Breaking News

At Home Virtual Learning will continue until May 4th

To Grade 8 students, parents and guardians of 2019/2020:

I am looking forward to an exciting new year together! Our grade 8 team has been preparing an interesting, creative and challenging program for our students. This year I will be teaching to:

8A: History, Geography

8B: History, Geography

8C: Math, Language Arts, Geography, History (Homeroom)

8D: History, Geography


Although supplies are provided for students at school, it is suggested that students are prepared for a busy year, so having some basic supplies at home like pencils, coloured pencils, paper, erasers, rulers, highlighters, page separators and scientific calculators, including a quiet place to work, are highly recommended. Students will have an agenda to help keep them organized throughout the year, so parents, feel free to look at them daily. Agendas can also be used as a communication tool between parents and teachers, when needed. In addition to this website, I will be giving students access to a Google classroom site where homework, resources, announcements, blogging and assignments will be posted and even submitted. Please feel free to contact me at or call the school when needed. The Google classroom app can be downloaded for instant updates.


Homework is often given to students when class work is unfinished, as practice of new concepts to consolidate learning, and to learn how to manage and prioritize tasks in order to meet deadlines. I offer extra help opportunities, with prior notice, during available lunch times and after school to students when needed.


During term 1, grade 8 students will be making important decisions about their future within high school programs and choices depending on their academic abilities, interests and needs. Therefore, it is important that students practice maintaining and/or improving their organizational skills, focus and academic responsibilities. Our guidance counselor will be supporting students with their applications.

Teachers are looking forward to seeing the new leaders of CR Marchant demonstrate respect, dedication, perseverance, initiative, empathy and caring throughout the school year. Together, we are going to have a great year!

If you have questions or concerns, please contact me by phone or email.

Grade 8 Homeroom Teachers' Webpages (click below)

8A Mrs. Reid

8B Ms Dimakis

8D Mr. Svenztouris

8E Ms. Mc Cormack

Rotary Teachers

French Ms. Dacres

Health and Physical Education Mr. Ramage

Music Ms Caruk

Guidance TBA