Welcome to the MID/DD DEPT


The MID Intensive Support Program is designed to support exceptional (special needs) students in a partially integrated program setting. Students in this program are placed by the decision of an Identification Placement and Review Committee (IPRC). The program allows for students to be included in all aspects of school life. Students will have ISP classes as well as mainstream classes as part of their high school experience. Students can work towards achieving an OSSD (diploma), or an OSSC (certificate) or a Certificate of Accomplishment. 

Students in the MID ISP are a thriving part of the Albert Campbell community. These students have opportunities to be involved in all extra-curricular activities as well as Special Olympics athletic events. Students will learn, mature and grow while in the program and reach their full potential for their own individual success.


The DD Intensive Support Program is for students ages 14-21 who have a diagnosis of a Developmental Disability. Students in this program are placed by the decision of an Identification Placement and Review Committee (IPRC). We are an inclusive space that celebrates a diversity of learners.

We follow the Alternative Curriculum with five key learning areas: Activities of Daily Living, Communication, Functional Academics, Motor Skills, and Social Skills. Our courses are non-credit and all of our students work toward a Certificate of Accomplishment. 

Life skills are woven into all aspects of our learning. In addition to our classroom academics, our DD program boasts cross curricular connections through shopping, cooking, visiting the local library, and integrating with our school community in activities such as Best Buddies Club, Special Olympics Ontario, and other special initiatives throughout the school. 

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