Scholarship Information

Important Information

Important Information


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Information about LP's Pathways Fair, OCAS & OUAC application notices and reminders, scholarship opportunities, awards, LPCI commencement, prom, and other post-secondary specific information and reminders will be distributed through the Google Classroom website for Grade 12 students.

General Information

For information on Prestigious Scholarships and/or how to request LP's nomination, please read the general information, followed by specific information and timelines on those Scholarship Opportunities

Please consult these websites to get information about scholarships in general: 

There are different categories of scholarships and awards: Scholarships and awards that are automatically awarded by a university or college if you have a sufficiently high average on your best six 4U/4M courses including the prerequisites for your program.You can access these by going to the OUAC website: or by going to the university website and checking awards and bursaries.

There is also a group of selected scholarships from organizations or institutions who regularly send their information to L.P.C.I. such as the TD Canada Trust Scholarships for Outstanding Community leadership, The Loran Awards, and the RBC Royal Bank Financial Lifeskills scholarships.  Major scholarships are announced via the Google Classroom site (invitation to join above). Scholarships and Awards may have very specific criteria to determine who would be eligible recipients, so read these individually and consider carefully if you are eligible to apply.  


Application Process:


Read the criteria for each scholarship carefully to determine if you are a suitable candidate.


UofT  Book Award

These are students who demonstrate superior academic performance, original and creative thought, and exceptional achievement in a broad context. They excel in academic pursuits, demonstrate enthusiasm for intellectual exploration and have a strong involvement in the lives of their schools and communities. With respect to the creativity aspect, it is asked that the original creative work - which could take a variety of forms, for example, a piece of creative writing, a science project, a film, an essay, a solution to a mathematical problem, be submitted if on paper, or by video, photograph or link if preferred. If the previous options are not appropriate for your creative piece, please describe it in a paragraph of 50 words or less.

Deadline to submit a letter of application is October 2, 2023. One page of text max per application. 

Queen's University Chancellor's Scholarship recognizes superior academic ability, creative and original thinking, and proven leadership qualities. LP may nominate two candidates.

Deadline to submit a draft application, including reference letters, is November 24, 2023. Deadline to apply is December 8, 2023

Please note that the process for applying to Queen’s Accelerated Route to Med School (QuARMS) has changed

Schulich Leader Scholarships are awarded to entrepreneurial-minded high school graduates enrolling in a Science, Technology, Engineering or Math program at partner universities: LPCI will nominate 1 candidate

Deadline to submit a draft application, including reference letters, is January 16th, 2024. Deadline to apply is January 30, 2024

Western National Scholarship Program is designed to recognize all-round excellence. It is awarded on the basis of outstanding academic performance to candidates who demonstrate ability for creative and innovative thought and a passion for the pursuit of learning: LPCI will nominate up to FOUR  candidates

Deadline to submit a draft application, including reference letters, is January 31, 2024. 

Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships are awarded to students who will be studying at UofT and who have demonstrated exceptional academic achievement and creativity, who are accepted as leaders within their school, and who have the potential to contribute to the global community in the future. They can be distinguished from other students who may have equally high academic results by virtue of their breadth of interest, intellectual energy and impact on the life of their school and community. Deadline to submit a draft application, including reference letters, is November 16, 2023. Deadline to apply is November 30, 2023.


Other Prestigious Scholarships

There are many other scholarships that students can choose to apply for directly. Some examples are below. Please check the awards webpages for the schools you choose to apply to. Scholarship information will also be posted in the Grade 12 Student Services google classroom.


Morehead-Cain is a UNC specific scholarship

Deadline to submit a draft application for feedback, including reference letters, is September 20, 2023. Deadline for Final Submission is October 1, 2023.

LORAN AWARD Schools will no longer nominate candidates for this award, but rather students will apply independently.                        

Recognizing young people who have the integrity and courage to make difficult decisions, the perseverance to work towards long-term goals, the curiosity to better understand the world around them and the drive to make positive change in their communities. Deadline for final submission is October 11, 2023 8pm.

UofT National Scholarship

Students who have been nominated by their schools as National Book Award recipients may submit applications to the National Scholarship Program. In addition, students who identify themselves as meeting the scholarship criteria are invited to apply directly for the National Scholarship, without having been nominated for the Book Award.

Deadline for final submission is October 19, 2023.