Sports and Entertainment Marketing - IDC4U1

What it's all about...

Grade 12

This interdisciplinary course emphasizes the development of practical skills and knowledge to solve problems, make decisions, create personal meaning, and present findings related to the growing Sports and Entertainment marketing industry. Through individual and collaborative inquiry and research into contemporary issues, real-life situations, and careers related to Sports and Entertainment Marketing students will develop skills in areas of ethics, consumer research, advertising, public relations/publicity, event marketing, endorsement, sponsorship, product distribution, and career opportunities in Sports and Entertainment Marketing.

Course Content

  • Introduction to Sports and Entertainment Marketing

    • A look at what's happening in the Sports and Entertainment industry, explain the relationship between fans, sponsors and events

  • The Marketing Mix

    • Explore the marketing mix, identify risks, rewards and uncertainty. A close look at each of the 4 P's of the marketing mix - product, price, place, promotion

  • Sports Marketing

    • What makes an athlete or team "successful", can they be "successful" even if they don't win? We'll look at athletes and teams from grassroots to professional and evaluate the importance of sponsorship, endorsements and cross-promotion.

  • That’s Entertainment

    • What happened to the movie rental stores or DVDs? We'll take a close look at the growing home entertainment, entertainment on demand, and self-promotion features of the entertainment industry. How much do you think it costs to produce a movie, TV show, or record? We'll analyze the basics of financing entertainment, distribution systems and promotional strategies.

  • What’s Real, Right and Fair?

    • Celebrities and athletes influences the fads and trends of societys. We'll identify examples of stereotyping in print media advertising, interpret, analyze its effects on individuals and society

    • Did you know there are laws in place that regulate advertising? Compare Federal and Provincial laws and regulations and how these laws effect the marketing of a product or event