International Business - BBB4M1

What it's all about...

Grade 12

***Note*** This course isn't currently offered at KCI but can be selected via e-Learning.

The world has become a global marketplace. Large volumes of goods, services, ideas, money, and technology are transported throughout the world, affecting the lives of millions of people in the process.Today, virtually every aspect of economic activity is influenced by international business.As students explore the world of business and the opportunities and challenges that it presents, it is vital that they do so with an appreciation of the impact of the global marketplace and international trade.Through these courses, students will develop a fundamental understanding of the global economy.They will come to appreciate the impact that international business can have on their lives and communities today and on the careers and opportunities they are considering for the future.Through these courses, students will develop a broader and deeper understanding of international issues and concerns and begin to develop an informed awareness of those issues directly affecting their future careers. 

Course Content