
Grade 9 Science, SNC1W

In this strand, students develop an understanding of sustainable ecosystems and how sustainability is related to various ecological factors and processes, such as biodiversity, air and water quality, and soil health. Students assess how human activities impact the environment, including how they contribute to climate change, and explore ways to address some of the impacts. Students investigate the flow of energy and the cycling of matter in the environment and the importance of these natural processes in maintaining a dynamic equilibrium in ecosystems.

Big ideas

  • Environmental sustainability depends on the dynamic equilibrium of ecosystems.

  • The cycling of matter and flow of energy within and between Earth’s four spheres are natural processes that help maintain balance in ecosystems.

  • Human activities, including activities that contribute to climate change, impact environmental sustainability, and it is our collective responsibility to mitigate these impacts.

Grade 10 Science, SNC2D & SNC2P

In this strand, students will develop and understanding of cells, tissues, and organs and how they work together in systems in living things.

Big ideas

  • All living things are made of specialized cells, tissues, and organs that are organized into systems.

  • Developments in medicine and medical technology can have social and ethical implications.