See Differently, Protect Nature

At Bolt Books we believe in teaching about protecting our environment and how to make choices about plastic use to minimize waste. Our student-designed ‘I Spy’ inspired book will make a difference as it will share information about plastic pollution and rethinking plastic use. Our proceeds will be donated to a local charity. We will be spreading awareness about the UN Convention on the Rights of a Child, Article #28 that states, “You have the right to a good quality education. You should be encouraged to go to school to the highest level you can.” and the Global Goal #12 Responsible Consumption and Production. We believe that our customers should be treated kindly, respectfully and that they should have the information needed to make the best choices each day.

Welcome to our company's Google Site! Your Google Site is where you are able to collaboratively contribute, refine and build on ideas for your business venture. As young entrepreneurs, you are all embarking onto a very exciting journey where many of the choices made, are made by you! Enjoy your time here within this forum to create a business that can make a difference not only in your own lives through the experience, knowledge and reflection on learning; but in the lives of the children who will benefit from building awareness in the community and the funds raised will go towards Pillar of Education (We Movement).

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for more images capturing student learning and engagement