Health and Well Being

Health and Wellness


The Health and Wellness club is a mental health and healthy schools initiative centring around wellness. The Health and Wellness Club consists of student leaders, a teacher, a guidance counsellor, a public health nurse and our school based social worker - amongst other professionals - who will be working with our students to develop a wellness approach to their daily lives. The students meet once a week on Wednesdays at lunch, where students engage in a number of health and wellness activities. The club is designed as an outreach for students who are new to Campbell or are withdrawn or struggling to fit in. The goal of the club is to help students develop leadership skills that they can use to help them gain confidence which would empower them to help others who are having the same experience.

The “Twelve to Success” Grade 12 Post-Secondary Transition Symposium is their culminating year end event which is organized and ran primarily by these students as a testament to their ability to overcoming struggles and providing a valuable contribution to the success of an important event. Through the development of leadership skills these students develop coping skills which in the end show them that they are more than capable and have the ability to soar!

Online Student Resources

"Soul Crush Story" - A Video Game to Teach About Healthy and Harmful Video Gaming

"It Gets Better" - a selection of video clips from people of all walks in life, sharing their stories around mental health and well-being.


Ontario Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health

Mind Your Mind - youth engagement initiatives, reliable and relevant resources.


East Metro Youth Services 

Agincourt Community Services Association

Tropicana Community Services

Student Help Lines

Kids Help Phone

Naseeha - Muslim Youth Help Line

Post Secondary Student Helpline
