Head of the Trade Union P.H. Lykhatskyy

Staff of the Trade Union Committee: (from left to right)
P.H. Lykhatskyy, M.V. Darmogray, O.V. Pokryshko, V.D. Voloshyn (2016)

The Trade Union Committee of the I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University is an independent, non-political public organization that provides social, economic, labor rights and interests of students and employees of the university.

In different years, the Trade Union of employees of the University was headed by associate prof. I.I. Yaremenko, associate prof. I.O. Sytnyk, associate prof. M.M. Romanovskyy, associate prof. S.K. Hordiyenko, associate prof. M.T. Herasymets, associate prof. V.H. Koveshnikov, assoc. prof. A.M. Fadeyev, associate prof. V.D. Pryshlyak, associate prof. V.V. Pokynchereda, associate prof. I.K. Loiko, associate prof. E.Yo. Blikhar, assistant prof. D.G. Parkhomets, associate prof. M.S. Tvorko, associate prof. I.I. Shvydkyy.

The Students' Trade Union during its existence was headed by B.I. Monachyn, O.R. Danilkov, F.V. Georgiy, M.F. Hurinenko, P.K. Shuster, B.V. Holod, R.V. Ostrovskyy, O.I. Herhel, Yo.I. Kornatovskyy, T.V. Babar, V.I. Kobita, M.V. Turchyn.

The first head of the Trade Union Committee of employees of the Ternopil Medical Institute
I.I. Yaremenko (1957–1959)

The head of the Trade Union Committee of students of the Ternopil Medical Institute O.R. Danilkov (1959–1962)

The predominant function of the Trade Union Committee of University employees was the protection of their interests, the dispensetion of material assistance to employees, the celebration of anniversaries.

The Trade Union Committee of employees was responsible to arrange in a queue for getting state apartments, to make a decision on their allocation to employees of the University and drew up the relevant submissions to the apartment department of the Executive Committee of the city council. In 1987, the Trade Union Committee managed to allocate land for employees of the medical institute for a country cooperative and organized the distribution of plots for those who applied to get them.

The Student Trade Union was a leading section of the students' selfgovernment. Under its auspices, Student Councils worked in universities' dormitories. In the 80's, on the recommendation of the Trade Union Comeetee, students were even commandants of dormitories. Student life and financial situation were in the center of attention of the Trade Union Committee. As a member of the Scholarship Commissionhe the chairman of a Commitee took part in a conferment scholarships to students. Together with the Komsomol Committee, the Trade Union Committee organized student groups that were working charity groups for the care of the elderly, the disabled, and in orphan children during free from a study time, and groups worked on construction , agriculture during summer holidays.

The cultural and physical culture and sports commissions of the trade union committees of the educational institution have always worked actively

In the 80s, the teachers of the medical institute actively participated in amateur performances, set an example for students. Amateur art activities of the institute as a whole, as well as individual genres, have always been winners or prize-winners at regional shows.

The trade union committee organized sports competitions among workers and students of the Ternopil Medical Institute. Competitions in chess, table tennis, volleyball and fishing were especially popular.

For many years, the Medical Institute occupied I-II places among the teachers of the city in the "Health" sports festival. Among the higher educational institutions of the city of Ternopil in sports competitions, the staff of the medical institute took mainly second place after the faculty of physical education of the pedagogical institute.

For many years, the trade union committee organized trips of workers and students of the educational institution to help the village workers in collecting vegetables and sugar beets, preparing green mass for livestock feed.

The trade union committee of the educational institution annually organized summer vacations for employees and students at the sports and recreation center "Berizka" in the village of Bilche-Zolote. In 1984 the Ternopil Medical Institute took the III place among the higher medical educational institutions of Ukraine for the organization of the work of the sports and recreation camp "Berizka".

In 1989, on the basis of the former hostel number 2 on the Chekhov street, a dispensary was opened, which was patronized by the student trade union committee.

Periodically, the trade union committee organized one and two-day trips of the institute's employees to rest in the Carpathians, on excursions to the caves of the Borshchiv district, to the historical sites of the Lviv, Vynnytsia, Khmelnytsky and Ternopil regions.

The workers' trade union committee has also repeatedly organized competitions among the departments of the medical institute in all areas of work. Of course, the competitions were far from perfect, but they were as a certain incentive to work.

In 1995, at a general trade union conference, it was decided to unite the trade union organizations of workers and students into one trade union organization and elect a joint trade union committee. The trade union committee of the educational institution was headed by an associate professor, later prof. A.H. Shulhay (1995-2008), associate professor Yu.V. Uhlyar (2008-2015). In June 2015, the head of the primary trade union organization Ternopil State Medical University named after I. Ya. Horbachevsky Ministry of Health of Ukraine was elected associate professor. P. H. Lykhatsky.

Participants of interuniversity sports contests, sports competitions among students and teachers (70s)

Social protection and rehabilitation of employees and students have remained the priority areas of the trade union committee.

In 1998, the rest of the employees and students was resumed in the sports-recreation camp "Berizka", which was located in a picturesque place near the village Bilche-Zolote.

In 2003, the Chervona Kalyna training -recreation complex, located in the forest zone near the Druzhba village of the Terebovlya district, began to operate. There are more comfortable conditions here and employees and students can take a rest and recuperate not only in summer but also during the year.

Rehabilitation of employees and students was also carried out in the medical and preventive institution "Medobory" in the village Konopkivka, Ternopil region.

The university vocal and dance groups , which are taken care of by the Trade Union Committee, resumed their work.

Folk song ensemble "Echo of the Carpathians".
In the center - the head of the ensemble student I. Chonka (1977)

Due to the support of the Trade Union Committee, a choir has came into sight at the university, which successfully performs not only at university concerts, but also outside of it; a student theater studio was created, the performances of which have presented at student evenings dedicated to outstanding events and anniversaries of famous Ukrainian artists.

The Trade Union Committee actively participates in the organization of rest and health improvement of employees and students in sanatoriums of Ukraine. After the termination of funding by the Social Insurance Fund for the few passed years, the trade union committee organized the treatment of children of employees in sanatoriums of Ternopil region at the expense of the Trade Union.

The University Trade Union organization co-works with the Ternopil Regional Trade Union of Healthcare Workers of Ukraine (chairman - V.P. Kuziv), which participates in the organization and holding of professional holidays at the university, provides assistance in resolving various issues facing the Trade Union organization, endeavoring to stimulate professional and personal growth of colleagues.

The trade union committee actively participates in the organization of cultural events, including visits to the best theatrical performances, concerts of popular artists.

Ballroom dance ensemble of Ternopil Medical Institute (1983)

The Trade Union Committee of the university also support in the annual International Student Summer Schools held in the "Chervona Kalyna", also participate in charity events within the "Red Cross" actions helping children with disabilities and the poor people . Students-volunteers who are members of the Union are involved in the Hospice and Palliative Care Program to help old and sick people.

The Trade Union Committee introduces various forms of cooperation with the executive and local governments, the territorial inspection of state supervision and control, aimed at preventing violations in the field of labor.

Together with the autorities of the University, the Trade Union Committee organizes greetings for veterans of World War II, as well as employees and veterans of the University with anniversaries.

On vacation in the educational- health complex "Chervona Kalyna" (2016)

Children of university employees have received gifts from the trade union organization dedicated to St. Nicholas Day (2016)

Petro Lykhatskyy has congratulated the staff of the university library on the occasion
of the All-Ukrainian Day of Libraries (2016)

Close cooperation is carried out within the framework of charitable events, in particular in material support of participants and soldiers of anti-terrorist operation, Easter baskets, congratulatory gifts for New Year holidays are formed, summer rest for students of Donetsk and Luhansk educational institutions is organized within the project "East and West together".

The Trade Union Committee participates in solving issues of social development, improvement of working conditions, material and household services for employees and students of the University, as well as provides reimbursement of funds spent on treatment byemployees.

Nowadays the staff of the Trade Union Committee of the I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University the Ministry of Health of Ukraine numbers more than 20 people. The staff of the Trade Union Committee includes: chairman - prof. P.H. Lykhatsky, Deputy Chairman for Work with Employees - assoc. prof. V.D. Voloshyn, Deputy Chairman for Work with Students - assoc.prof. O.V. Pokryshko, accountant - M.V. Darmogray.

The University Trade Union Committee guides and helps to protect the rights of its employees and students always and worthy. Its staff advocates a full-scale revival, especially in the social, industrial and vital spheres, openly declares his position of publicity in defending the interests of its members, following to the slogan "In unity - our strength!"