Welcome to the Students Catering Service
Director of the Students Catering Service A.M. Kotsur
The Students Catering Service was established according to the Order of the rector in 1998 as a structural unit of I.Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical Academy. Ya.I. Dub headed the Students Catering Service. At that time, it involved about 20 employees.
In 2007, A. Kotsur took the position of a Director of the Students Catering Service.
At present the service involves about 30 specialists.
It provides catering services for students, teachers and staff of the University.
The Students Catering Service comprises canteens at A. Zhyvov Street (production manager M.V. Harach) and Kotsyubinskyi Street (production manager H.V. Poshva), Esculap Cafe (production manager Yu.M. Dmytruk), Panacea Cafe (production manager T.F. Perun), the canteens of the academic buildings at 12 Ruska Street, 2 Slovatskyi Street and at the student dormitories.
Canteens, cafes and cafeterias sell confectionery and culinary products, hot dishes, salads, soft and hot drinks, as well as goods of their own production. The menu includes health foods and dishes of international students’ national cuisines.
The service provides off premise catering during training and research conferences, seminars, meetings, as well as catering for the visitors of the Chervona Kalyna Recreation Centre. It also provides other catering services during banquets, standing buffets, coffee breaks at the request of the University staff.
The staff of the Students Catering Service (bottom from left to right): L.O. Mandryka, L.S. Babion, R.P. Kozitska, M.I. Skrabut, H.R. Savchuk, A.M. Kotsur, L.YA. Silvasiuk, M.I. Seredynska, U.P. Rohachuk; (top from left to right) S.V. Sliusarevska, N.V. Protsiuk, H.Y. Zdoroveha, O.B. Kulikovska, N. M. Berezovska, H.V. Poshva, T.H. Miroshnichenko, M.Ya. Miakush, O.S. Kichor, S.V. Sorokovska, M.V. Harach, O.M. Kostyshyn, O.P. Hural, S.P. Roiko, T.F. Perun, A.M. Pecheniuk, H.O. Svinitska, L.T. Doskoch, O.O. Yankovych, H.L. Yatsyk, I.Ya. Sharshon (2017)