
Descriptions of Academic Accommodations

1. Extended Time

Types: Time-and-a-quarter (1.25x), time-and-a-half (1.5x), double time (2x)

Description: Extended time is calculated based on the length of time that the class is being given to complete an assessment. For example, if the class is being given 50 minutes to complete an exam, students with time-and-a-half accommodations would be given 75 minutes, and students with double time accommodations would be given 100 minutes.

Common Eligibility (includes but is not limited to): anxiety, concussion, injury to dominant hand, etc.

2. Reduced-Distraction Testing Environment

Types: Individually (alone), small group Description: A reduced-distraction testing environment is an environment separate from the regular classroom that limits interruptions or other distractions (i.e. paper shuffling, people entering/leaving the room, talking inside/outside the room, typing). In the case of small-group testing, multiple students can test in the same space, so long as there is sufficient space to ensure that the students do not distract one another and the number of students in the same space is less than the number of students in the regular classroom. In the case of individual testing, students test in a space separate from their classmates and a teacher may be in the same room supervising their exam exam.

Common Eligibility (includes but is not limited to): Same as the extended-time accommodation.

3. Physical Accommodation During Exam

Types: Special furniture request (i.e. desk, table, chair); accessible exam location; special positioning during an exam (i.e. lying, standing, elevating a limb, stretching); wearing an approved item Description: If the exam is not held in the regular classroom, it will be necessary to assess whether the testing space is accessible and/or can accommodate the necessary furniture. Arrangements may be needed to ensure that the furniture is available to the student during the exam in the alternative space. For students with accommodations for special positioning during an exam or wearing an approved item, the student may need to test in a separate space in order to minimize distractions during the exam to the rest of the class.

Common Eligibility (includes but is not limited to): Mobility or motoric disability, chronic physical health conditions, injuries.

4. Testing Supports Required

Types: Computer, calculator, scratch paper

Description: Students may require the use of a computer (or laptop) for providing responses to questions on assessments. The use of this accommodation is usually, though not exclusively, reserved for when the assessment requires responses that are more than two sentences in length (for example, essay-style responses). SDS can provide a laptop that is blocked from accessing the internet (i.e. the network adapters have been disabled).

Common Eligibility (includes but is not limited to): physical or motor disability, and/or injury that prevents a person from writing.

5. Breaks

Types: Breaks between exams, breaks during the exam, snack break.

Description: Breaks during exams should be limited to 5-10 minutes. Typically, students are not allowed to leave the testing location/room during breaks or access their books, notes, or mobile devices.

Common Eligibility (includes but is not limited to): Diabetes, anxiety and/or panic disorders.

6. Flexible Dates/Times

Types: Alternative date, alternative time of day (early or later in the day)

Description: For students with this type of accommodation, it may be necessary to administer an assessment on a day and/or time other than the originally scheduled day/time.

Common Eligibility (includes but is not limited to): Mobility disability, epilepsy, severe anxiety, students on time-released or time-limited medication that may affect their attention and/or performance.